Termite Inspection
Termites and other wood-damaging bugs such as carpenter ants and carpenter bees can cause major damage to a home. Termites tend to swarm in the late spring through the fall will find any tiny opening in the home to enter and start building their colony. Termite damage can be excessive and should be treated to prevent costly damage.
Inside the holes of hollow block walls.
Crawl up the side of foundations walls and supports.
Through openings in expansion joints.
Through cracks in the foundation around plumbing.
By identifying the weakness and vulnerable areas of your home, you might be able to make repairs, fill holes and prevent termites from entering your home in the first place.
If you suspect your home has a potential termite problem, or you just want to insure that a new purchase is termite-free, Home Inspect KC will conduct a thorough termite inspection, checking for potential infestations, damage, and the areas of the home that need maintenance to prevent a future problem. You can save thousands of dollars in potential future remediation and repairs by having a termite inspection conducted today.
Contact us.
(816) 379-3434